150 World Food Prize and Nobel Laureates have together called for an increase in funding for agricultural research. We released our statement last week in the U.S. Senate Agriculture Committee Hearing Room. We argued that the world won’t be able to feed its people without increased agricultural research, focused on food-insecure parts of the world and climate resilience.
I’m pictured here with Dr. Cary Fowler, one of the current World Food Prize Laureates. He led the development of an international seed bank on an arctic island. Plant breeding depends on seed diversity, and the cold and isolation of Svalbard, Finland, now protects a global depository of crop-related seeds. Fowler also led the process of developing the Laureates’ statement on agricultural research.
There will be huge pressure to cut government spending this year. But I was encouraged by supportive remarks at this event from Senator Amy Klobuchar, now Ranking Democrat on the Senate Agriculture Committee, and Representative Jim Baird, Republican member of the House committees on Agriculture, Foreign Affairs, and Science, Space and Technology.